Movies are films of a scripted scenic act. Whenever you watch them, you are thrilled. Your mind collects the enthralling moments which make you explicitly amazed.
You never get bored watching a movie. Sometimes, you have the option of the one that makes you feel intrigued.
People enjoy them with a snack. It depends on your inference. As for me, a snack makes me stay active while the movie goes on. A snack also makes me more committed to finishing.
I love the fact that each of the characters plays a role. You leave the movie feeling dazzled. You can't forget the people who make you laugh, cry or feel so engaged that it becomes your anytime thought.
There is no doubt that life can be too much. We need to find time to keep ourselves in the best spaces and ensure that we relieve the tension. Even as you do your due diligence to work hard and face your ambition, you should learn to recharge with a blissful notion.
Get thrilled! Get entertained!