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Writer's pictureGlenn Melly

The Art of Journaling

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

Have you ever wanted to learn how to journal, but you do not know how and where to start? Or you like to know what to write in a journal? Perhaps you are a writer, and you want journaling to enable you to sharpen your expertise.

Journaling is when you take the time to write as you consider your thoughts, feelings, and what you go through daily. The beauty of journaling is that it can be uniquely done.

Journaling can be a way of self-discovery, problem-solving, and making life choices. It enables you to heal from stressful situations. Journaling gives you the ability to cope with anguish, loss, and many other life transitions.

People have different goals and intentions for journaling. Some do journaling to celebrate their achievements. Others journal as a form of healing, and their journaling takes the structure of an unsent report as they note down what they wish to have mentioned to that person who is not in their lives anymore.

There aren't any rules on how often you should journal. However, it is a great thing to be consistent. The more frequently you practice an efficient act, the more the benefit. It is just like losing weight, you are consistent in healthy living, and you lose weight quicker.

The following are the things to look out for when journaling;

Evaluation of the things that have happened in your day- your attitude, progress, even a small conversation with someone that went effectively. Evoke yourself on the positive things about your life and your good qualities. Write every day if possible, and make your writing practice a daily routine.

Write a journal entry that consists of one word that describes how your day went. It's a challenge to establish the word as you engage yourself in a mindless life maintenance activity- like folding clothes or flossing your teeth.

Your ability to write daily in your journal will depend on your feeling of pleasure. While you are writing and when you finish, notice how you feel. Did you enjoy the procedure? Were you feeling soothed as you were writing or after writing? Did you at times feel displeased, aggrieved, confused, or hopeless? This whole scope of emotions is simply part of the process of journal writing.

Journaling is fun, sustaining, and creative. All you need is a pen and a notebook.

Enhance your life through journaling!


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Wanjiru Kariuki
Wanjiru Kariuki
Apr 23, 2022

Interesting article. Keep up the good work🏆

Glenn Melly
Glenn Melly
Apr 24, 2022
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